Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Brain Freeze + Christmas Vender Across The Street

Its official, all the amazing tree lighting ceremonies are happening downtown; Rockefeller Center, South Street Seaport, Union Square, Central Park and today the Christmas tree vendor opens up today across the street. Wow--the holiday spirit is upon us!

And I have to admit it, I have terminal brain freeze. Honey and I have major brain freeze and gone through a case of eye drops. Being on the computer until 2 AM several nights in a row will do that to a person! The results will be outstanding as physical boldness tends to lead when covered by prayer. But sometimes, the physical has to get a tad weary! (At least I understand what I just wrote...)

Time for our morning Bible reading, off for now dear readers.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Super Surpise by Friends and New Yorker... and no so much by fingers

Yesterday a surprise overnight visit from a friend, Cindy, resulted in an amazing journey through our NYC neighborhoods, memories and a special favorite--street food. But Cindy had a treat up her sleeve. She insisted on taking us to the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular! And who are we to refuse???

Time cut her trip short so she got tickets for us to go later. And by now dear reader, you have learned every thing becomes a story with us! Our ticket clerk was eating Reese peanut butter candy when we came up. Hand over mouth, she gestured for us to wait. I giggled that only if she gave us some candy too would we wait! Immediately she hustled over to her stash. Likewise, we were screaming, nooooooo--kidding---but she was having as much fun as we were. And of course the line for tickets had not grown any shorter.

Speaking of shorter, lets bring this adventure to a close. She gave us a discount on the tickets and we are going to see the show next Monday.

New Yorkers are so full of life, they love doing things for other folks.

On another subject, not so much fun, why does drying fingernail polish take longer watching a pot of water to boil?

This fabulous Passion Pink shade drying on my too short nails has finally had the ultimate in drying technique. Most of you know this one. After waiting plenty of time, we get thirsty, go to the frig, open the door, bump a nail and a white chip appears.

Well, of course I did this. And of course I proceeded to the ultimate treatment. Using the back of my tongue to push the remaining not-yet-cured polish over the chip. It is vital not to use the taste bud side.
Enough color moved over to cover the white, not the hole of course. But I don't care. I am not redoing this.

(I am typing with wet nails. I am far too impatient to wait any longer.)

I do hope to see the Rocketts with dry fingernails.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Moment

Life changing moments happen so often that we have stopped seeing them. Our watches tick them off for us second by second, or rather our cell phone clock digitally show the timing these days. Yet last night and today, two memorable events have shaped my living memory and life.

Our first baptism at Everyday Christian Church was a grand celebration last night. In a portable baptistery in a favorite restaurant here on Broadway in Inwood (Manhattan), Carina put on our Lord in baptism last night. She danced before Him in a marvelous tribute, pure and holy, her worship to him. As she stepped into the water, we all held our breath. It was about 50 degrees. Yes, she was brave indeed!

A single mom with two brilliant, beautiful kids who works very hard, she is in the situation of so many in our area. The culture of single moms, supporting the kids and household and frantically running in circles to make a life. Please pray for all the moms in this area.

Please pray for your new sister.

The other life changing moment was another celebrating. At the 9/11 Memorial, it was revealed to me that rather than a lives-lost memorial, it was a lives-living celebration in all the surviving children now the legacy of those who past away. Children were at the Memorial, talking on cell phones, playing in just another park and acting like children do.

Life changing moments are celebrations.

I like that.

Friday, November 4, 2011

If You Open It, They Will Come...and Bond

Boy, do I have a lot to learn. Evidently, no matter the weather, even blizzards are no match for New Yorkers in search of candy.

Two events held last Halloween weekend proved to me that NYC kids and their parents are more than ready to attack the cold and wet of an early "Nor'easter". (Hurricanes, not so much.) But the early October snow storm was so much of any oddity that all had to go out and see for themselves. Why they didn't turn right around and go back in for a nice cup of coco is beyond me. Or why I didn't do likewise is still a mystery.

It was a clear, breezy afternoon. Friday's "Fall Festival" put on by ECC saw all the small smurfs, evil doers, heroes, spidies, princesses and other taller versions crowded into the cramped office building. Arts and crafts, games, theater and candy treating took place. It was a vertical delight taking place on several floors.

RDF3 came as a Texan, western boots and hat made him 7' tall. I was a gypsy dressed in blue, quite stunning. The blue finger nail polish continues to get compliments as I've not removed it! Raymon registered the families and directed traffic while I pretended to do arts and crafts. (It was too hard for me, so I let the kids do it!)

ECC volunterred to assist doing the whole thing over again at the elementary school the next evening. Their celebration was called "The Monster's Ball." And the October surprise blizzard was in full swing.

The snow was supposed to have stopped early that afternoon. Evidently it wanted to come to the party as well so it hung around until 8 PM. Trees split in half, electrical wires were dancing in the street in other areas, branches were bent to the ground and mush was everywhere. But the children kept coming.

The entertainers were late as the Subway backed up. The children kept coming.

The entrance area set-up for wet things was waist high. The children kept coming.

And it finally stopping snowing. And the children finally stopped coming.

We didn't want to be around when the families leaving hit the pile of wet coats, boots and umbrellas! A quiet exit was call for and cowards that we are, we took it!

My favorite costume? The Korean Princess in authentic garb. Although the Texan in the western hat and boots came close.

The families of Inwood will go through a lot to have safe quality time with and for their children. Physical comfort for them or their children is not primary as the kids don't seem to care. It was with couriousity that I watched the parent wriggle these kids out of wet coats and boots and put on dry wings or capes finishing off costumes both seemed extreemly proud of.

I was at the wet clothes dump area. Through observation I learned what many of you parents have known for many Halloweens. The costume didn't matter--the fact that the parent and child did it together did.

For a milisecond, the child looked at the parent for permission, not to go play but to show the world what they had built together--then go play!

Now I know that Halloween has a deep meaning to parents as well as exciting anticipation for the child.  There is that millisecond bonding that they are both aware of that joins them together against the world. How many bonding seconds are there between parents and offspring?

I'm going to start looking.