Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thanks for Your Prayers

Quick, pre-service coffee!
Praise God, we are back in school. Yes, we are officially able to rent public schools for meeting places again. See previous blog, Praise God for 8800. (Through His grace, we gather every other Sunday at the school which worked to our advantage. The opposite Sundays we meet in designated apartments.)

Sunday, March 18, 2012 we held our first after-the-reprieve service in Muscado School. Many other churches are now allowed back in their former rented school locations as well.

Months of ligeslation and media coverages were dissolved by a nod from the Father. We all thank you for your prayers.

Selected images of fellowship, March 18, 2018

Pre and post goodies! We have lots of fellowship bakers...  

Coffee in hand, reviewing the day and week ahead!


Start packing up...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

50% Angle + One Piggy Bank + Perimeters

Math tutoring on Saturday morning this March has been a huge step out of my comfort zone. The last math class I had was called arithmetic and my college degree predated calculators. Adding machines were allowed in classes if you could carry them. I wont even mention such big math words as calculus or trigonometry -- oh wait, I just did. Obviously, those studies were not on my educational journey.

St. Patty's Day in math tutoring 

Last year, Everyday Christian Church offered and executed a math tutoring program preparing neighborhood school children for national testing. The tutoring was a hit and ECC was asked to repeat the program.

These bright minds are this neighborhood's gold and to be their friends is a privilege. Even if they are all better than I am in math!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Random Images

Please forgive the lack of images here and yon. Its not so much my thing as that I simply leave my camera on the table! Here are some mixed up images ....

First is my brand new NYC do!
However, its all grown out and time for a newer, new NYC do!

Adam and the rest of Home Group
Welcome home from Texas
Subway tile work. 59th & West Central Park
How to dry a mop, apartment style
Not our remembered Southferry terminal of old!
Can you read it? In our neighborhood park / legend where Manhattan was sold.

Thanks guys! Sanitation rules
and their trucks...
1st night on patrol, uniform in bag!

Monday, March 12, 2012


There are precious moments when you sit along side that unknown lady in her regular Sunday morning pew, open up those singing pipes and bellow with abandon, opening your heart to God. Oddly you can not hear your voice but it is her music you hear. It is not a sound but rather memories of the years of her journey, a joy and ache, a longing and peace, an intimacy you dare not intrude upon yet she has you by the heart and draws you in.

This horizontal edification unifies strangers worshiping the Father. As He hears and smiles and in turn, vertically returns His love.

Now that is pretty amazing. And the humans don't know each other yet.

And those that do know each other...its all good.

Yesterday was Home Group at our apartment. People who love each other offering love to God...it was not a God-moment. It was a God-day.

Yesterday before we opened up God's word, we shared our week. And then prayed for one another. Prayer was our song, lifting our pipes and bellowing our hearts to The Father. The entire time was so edifying.

He was among us though out the day as we learned about Paul's nephew's courage and our experiences in which one of our own actions made a difference.

A majority of the group enjoyed the day together. Morning brunch, meal, worship, area live opera and lots of fellowship. Not every worship day is so full but yesterday, loving each other, celebrating the love of friendship, being children of God and God the Father made it a special day indeed.

Varieties of individuals attend HG. However one of our human regulars made a comment that is sure to become a T shirt mantra, "Parasites come and go". It brought the house down!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Right Place, Right Time

Today I felt a desire to accompany my husband downtown to help pick up his AUX police uniform. Normally I would never consider such expenditure of energy if I could help it. After all, that would include two subway transfers, three different trains, 16 different stair cases around the city and at least 100 miles of sidewalk (perhaps I exaggerate the sidewalk mileage a bit.) But under a surprising heartfelt urging of wifely support, I really, no really I did want to go.

All bundled up and at the first subway entrance the head police guy calls to tell us that there was no place for me at the store. I would have to wait outside. Um, okay. Still doable. Adventure is adventure. Love is love. Support is support. And the promise of a Starbucks has strange powers.

Crawling out of the concrete outdoor stairwell, trying to keep up with Skippy, my new nickname for hubby, we headed for the NYC City Hall. That landmark pointed the way to both the uniforms and in the opposite direction, Starbucks.

In other words, he went his way and I went mine. A healthy marriage requires dependent independence from time to time. We depend on the other to be independent. Today we happened to be doing it in NYC. (One time I was in Mexico while he was in California. One mile or 3,000, space and time is all part of the covenant. But that's another blog...)

He is now off gathering public safety gear, I am in the throws of caffeine delights. And I even discover a seat! Thus began another NYC miracle.

She had strawberry red hair. Her hair was the same color as my sister's. That fleeting remembrance made me want to communicate, so I asked her a question. She had a nice camera by her side so...

"Did you get any good pictures today?"

We talked for two hours. About many things.

Before parting we discussed God's will in her life and future.

She came from Seattle for her trip. I came from Inwood, the upper most part of Manhattan. We met across the street from NYC City Hall. After a short period, we two strangers shed our barriers and opened our hearts in a crowded coffee shop within earshot of whoever.

I hope I'll see again. I'll know her in Heaven.

Tomorrow I'm going a few blocks down the street. Jesus will be there. Wonder who else I'll meet?