Today I felt a desire to accompany my husband downtown to help pick up his AUX police uniform. Normally I would never consider such expenditure of energy if I could help it. After all, that would include two subway transfers, three different trains, 16 different stair cases around the city and at least 100 miles of sidewalk (perhaps I exaggerate the sidewalk mileage a bit.) But under a surprising heartfelt urging of wifely support, I really, no really I did want to go.
All bundled up and at the first subway entrance the head police guy calls to tell us that there was no place for me at the store. I would have to wait outside. Um, okay. Still doable. Adventure is adventure. Love is love. Support is support. And the promise of a Starbucks has strange powers.
Crawling out of the concrete outdoor stairwell, trying to keep up with Skippy, my new nickname for hubby, we headed for the NYC City Hall. That landmark pointed the way to both the uniforms and in the opposite direction, Starbucks.
In other words, he went his way and I went mine. A healthy marriage requires dependent independence from time to time. We depend on the other to be independent. Today we happened to be doing it in NYC. (One time I was in Mexico while he was in California. One mile or 3,000, space and time is all part of the covenant. But that's another blog...)
He is now off gathering public safety gear, I am in the throws of caffeine delights. And I even discover a seat! Thus began another NYC miracle.
She had strawberry red hair. Her hair was the same color as my sister's. That fleeting remembrance made me want to communicate, so I asked her a question. She had a nice camera by her side so...
"Did you get any good pictures today?"
We talked for two hours. About many things.
Before parting we discussed God's will in her life and future.
She came from Seattle for her trip. I came from Inwood, the upper most part of Manhattan. We met across the street from NYC City Hall. After a short period, we two strangers shed our barriers and opened our hearts in a crowded coffee shop within earshot of whoever.
I hope I'll see again. I'll know her in Heaven.
Tomorrow I'm going a few blocks down the street. Jesus will be there. Wonder who else I'll meet?