Monday, July 23, 2012


God's family is huge. There has been two millennium of brothers and sisters who have born and died that I will one day meet. Add those to the rest of the living family that are not-yet and now known, that is quite a reunion.

But today--what a day--today, God by His grace blessed seven beautiful women with salvation, adoption and a huge family. The ladies acted out of obedience and were baptized.

Being a part of His family, I'm seven times blessed, oh why bother with numbers? It was / is an amazing unity of souls, rejoicing and praising God's name.

Everywhere... everyday... everyone...


Monday, July 9, 2012

Hang on everybody.

I have about 4 posts in draft mode.

I'd love to say that I was perfecting each post -- so, why not! :-)

The truth is by uh, after perfecting them for so long, my current browser will no longer work with some stuff. In fact, after this weekend, some of you may be dealing with Internet issues as well.

Sooooooo, I'll be hunting for a browser that wants to read my blog :-).

As soon as all is tip top, Apartment 3G will be observing life again!

Thanks guys.
