Tuesday, October 18, 2011

You Gotta Do This!

Do you know a couple who have been married and believers together for a long time? Then they gotta do this!

We came to serve but our mission has changed. The folks here feel it is their mission to serve us! And that we let them! 
It seems we are an inspiration for them and others.  To  witness an older couple, married and still together for a long time is one thing. For this same couple to be worshiping together is another shocker. And finally to see them doing any kind of service together is flat out dumbfounding. Frankly, what is second nature to me is a miracle to some of these younger adults.  And vital to the maturing of this Body.

I had no clue.
Hubby likes to talk. And we both like to greet folks, at least say hello. And that's a big deal. Just talking to folks, making eye contact evidently is really huge. Who knew? Oh, lets back up, I knew saying hello was important. What I didn't know was being aware of feelings was important. Again, second nature takes over.

What we had planned to do really didn't matter. What we really are is what is making a difference here.

God knew.

We had no clue.

Can you imagine what wonders could happen if other older married folk could move to less populated Christian areas. No matter what you might "do", the fact that you are married for a long while, worship together and actuallly show people that God is in you life in some way, will do more than you will ever more.

He will do it all. You don't have to do a "spritual" thing. 

Just go.

WOW--you gotta do this.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Community Established!

Today, God has been praised in a very unique way.  Today, the Inwood Academy school named an outdoor painted area The Everyday Garden.

We at ECC are shocked, thrilled and humbled. First of all we thank God and next we thank all of you.

Why the name? It seems that they are appreciative of all the relationships started and continued by the ECC folks. Also, they received a glorious outdoor hand painted mural for the kids inspiration. It covers two walls. And the area was cleaned up.

The ECC could not have done this alone. A profession artist, The Hills teens and other church groups from around the nation came and volunteered their talent and bodies for the effort.

The principle and pastor will be planning more events soon.

School has begun for the Inwood Academy and for The Hills teens. The students are studying and doing school things. But there is a difference now.

Everyday at Everyday Garden, a child can go to a place that is painted because he is loved. And he knows.