Sunday, August 28, 2011


I didn't feel the earthquake and slept through Irene. Really, I'm missing so much excitemnet.

The air smells so clean right now that we have the windows open. And it is more windy now than during the storm!!!

Truely the earthquake was for a select few. And for those few, it was a disturbing and confusing experience.

Hurricane Irene was much much more disturbing and much much more than a confusing time for those that let it be. It produced election sound bites and amazing governmental statewide agencies cooperation.

For those in the powerful hands of God, no mighty wind could cause the heart to fear. Prudent preparation was wise of course but fear was not in the mix.

Knowing your countless prayers were supporting our hearts and carrying our safty to God, we were so aware of the entire Body's focus. Poor Irene didn't have a chance!

Thank you all.

By now you know the small impact Irene had in NYC. What you may or may not know is the complete inconvience she has left behind. Fortunantly for many, flooding is not the issue it was predicted to be, however airline flights will be backed up for days, the Metroline will be somewhat delayed and many are without power.

We have service except for transportation. But since no one else does...

The amazing NYC spirit came to the forefront as strangers took in strangers, helped others in their building get out and stories yet to be told.

We are fine here. Others on the East Coast will be dealing with Irene for years to come.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

No Idea

There doesn't seem to be anyone either on broadcast news or residences who know anything about hurricanes up here. Coming five days after an earthquake, a hurricane seems to catch everyone's attention in a big way.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thank You Lord

He is so good! God is good!

Last evening God send a visitor. And not just any visitor...our first long term guest.

This is one reason we came to apartment 3G, to be here for you.

What an entrance he has made--on a day of an earthquake. Raymon is now showing him the ins and outs of the Subway.

And speaking of soon, in a few days we are to receive the remnants of a hurricane. Our guest arrived none too soon!

Don't wait for an earthquake or a pending hurricane. Plan to come and stay a while. But do call first, we may be stuck in the Subway!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How is NYC Treating You?

A dear friend asked, "How is New York treating you?"

And I responded that as always, it allows you to do whatever you think possible.

Then it hit me. We always think of New York City as an individual, not as a city. And it is alive. Even its residence call it The City. No one thinks of it as a city in the way we think of say Los Angels or Chicago, Austin. Those are amazing cities, made up of fabulous populations served by their city.

New York is a fabulous city served by its population. And what a fabulous population. Millions of immigrates come to hundreds of neighborhoods and make up cities within The City. The wealthy visit The City but don't live here. They are permanent tourist. There are many permanent tourist; college students, interns, assigned workers and folks who don't want to be here.

How is NYC treating me? Not at all. Sadly, this time it really is all about me. What I do determines how I treat New York. How I serve her residences is the treatment. Her residences will ignore me, that's a given, I'm just another body taking up space on the subway. However, I make a difference, give up my seat for no reason, smile, something positive, give a cup of water in Jesus' name... then I will have treated NYC.

Check us out later to see how I'm treating The City.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Birthday Blinds

We now have Mini-Blinds! And not just any mini-blinds...birthday mini-blinds.

Monday was RDF3's birthday. The ECC started a grand celebration Sunday evening with a pizza party. Not everyone was in the know about the upcoming event. Most came for a party of fun fellowship. But our hostess knew of the special day ahead. So with a wink, she served us birthday pizza.

The next day we attacked the blinds once again. Did I mention that RDF3 had previously used every tool in the kit to no avail. With pleading, he arranged for Larry to bring his tools and help put them up.

Larry came from the church office, fed the parking meter and came on up to 3G. Once on the step ladder, he quickly installed all four blinds without hesitation. We stood back in amazement.

With a smile and a grin, he jestered, Happy Mini-Blinds Birthday!

Too bad my birthday isn't until May.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Humbling Hamburgers

As I dwell on the joys of last week and the amazing fellowship with the teens from The Hills, you will read more about our journey together.

Last week we met at Piper's Kilt, the best burger joint in these here parts.

Who you ask? 60 kids and sponsors from The Hills Church of Christ on a mission trip to Inwood, that's who. And we all met at the Piper's Kilt for diner after their bus got unstuck out of the Lincoln Tunnel traffic.

They had been traveling 30 hours non-stop. And those were some hungry teens. Of course they made the dutiful meal stops, but nothing like this. PK is a real restaurant with seats and booths and stuff.

After sufficient time, an assortment of hamburgers, fries and soda were devoured. Then chocolate cake ended the meal with a bang.

Much to the kids surprise, there was still more traveling to do before they could colapse into a much desirved coma for the night. Off they went for orientation and then to the Manhattan Church of Christ to bunk down for the night.

MCoC was headquarters while our neighborhood was the target zone. And getting here from there was no small task. But that is their story to tell, as is all of the exciting experiences they gleened while here.

But they provided a lesson in fellowship and humility for Raymon and I that I will atempt to embrace for the rest of my life. Total giving of self no matter the cost, total focus on another's circumstance putting my own circumstance to the side no matter how tired I am or how difficult the job and the complete and total dependance of the unity of a body one with another.

Using every means of communication at their disposal, they kept in constant contact with the group. Utilizing the talents of the body, not just this one or that one but the one best able to do the tiniest job--the lesson of unity and the blessings of talent used were not wasted.

How much they have learned and can share simply by doing together what they love, reflecting the blessings of Christ.

Humbling hamburgers can go a long way. Who knew God could use the Irish settlers of this area ions ago to influence some folks to start a restaurant which feed some hungry teens one night.

Still Aglow

The exterminator, plumber, building superintendent, chaperon and about 85 teens popped in at 3G this morning. Of course you realize that I am exaggerating the number of the teens, there couldn't have been more than 80.

By the way, all three men where several days late. And they each came separately but 30 minutes of the other. And all arrive at the exact time the teens were doing God's working in 3G. 

After the bugs were sent packing, two leaks were fixed, another leak discovered and then magically disappered, the teens divided into working groups. One trekked into the neighborhood dragging furniture from one apartment to ours, 10 blocks away. The second group stayed and began to scrub--everything. And planned an impromptu wedding after designing a lovely bridal vail from shelf paper remnants. The bride was lovely, we have pictures to prove it. The dress, that's another story.

The kids next task was to join forces on the street to pick up trash around the neighborhood. Once complete all were to return for back packs, lunch and to strike out for their next assignments.

Being Christ reflectors is the happiest lifestyle possible, just ask these people. They are here because they want to be. And they are doing the dirtiest, smelliest, unbelivable tasks for people they don't know--who really don't care, yet.

Their actions, smiles and happiness can not be forgotten. They are but a raindrop in the ocean. It's indentation never goes away but effects the entire ocean body. God may use that rain drop to turn a wave into a tsunami, or a piece of water that carves an ocean cave that one day may save a drowning man, or that single rain drop will be the single bit of oxygen that the next fish needs to live. No matter God's purpose, it is our purpose to let Him.

Thanks kids for living your all.