Friday, July 22, 2011

What’s Cooking?

Everyone I suppose.

I know the dust is rising in every bowl in Texas.

The heat wave in the North is like nothing I’ve experienced.

My buses (yes, note plural) broke down yesterday due to the heat. The subway's announcement clocks failed, praise the Lord operational systems are on separate relays. Our Internet modem crashed and who knows why? The company hasn’t a clue, but I think I do… outdoor workers well adapted to heat wore wet bath towels over their entire backs.

Eating is not possible, no one wears make-up (or not for long) and some have even stopped sweating—that is scary. Isn't heat stroke next?

So where is God’s hand in all this misery? Easily found.

Pointing to a lady’s fan on the bus, I gave her the ‘okay” sign, followed by the comment, ‘Smart’. She gave me her fan as she exited the bus. Quietly she pointing back at me and said ‘For you’.  Neither of us spoke the other’s language enough to converse but she gave me the most beautiful fan you have ever seen, a stranger on a previously broken down bus. I came to reflex Christ yet on this hot day, a stranger was Him to me.

We found a brand new invention—regular sunglasses that fit over eyeglasses (not "clip-ons")—perfect for those of us who prefer not to spend hundreds of dollars for an additional pair.  Did God lead us to that exact spot or what???

And at the eyeglass stand, who should call but Raymon’s cousin. They talked over much needed family happenings. Yet I was too pooped and had to go home—only one block away! Thank you again God for such a perfect location.

And what should I find but a delivery at our door! The real dishes had arrived.

All in all, it was a day of miracles.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Shopping, doctors, air conditioners and carts...

Last night was a time of great fellowship -- in my mind! I offered our futon and air conditioned apartment for any of the ECC fellowship in need of a cool space to sleep. Wasn't that sweet of me?

Then the A/C froze up. So I've spent the day trying to figure out why a new window unit would play games during my well intentioned intensions. Nevermind. Its defrozen and working again.

And it is hotter outside.

Yesterday was spent establishing doctors and labs. Step one accomplished in that department. Steps 400 to go...

Raymon has taken the Bennett kids to a summer activity and shopping while I was to do the same here. Well, I braved the A/C and then tramped outside with shopping cart in hand. (Oh yes, one wheels a sturdy shopping cart on the streets of NY while shopping lest your arms give out. The movies leave that part out. Swinging Macys and Blommingdale bags skyward doesn't happen very often, nor does one emerge from a taxi while shopping...ever.)

Where was I, oh yes, tramping in the heat a la shopping cart. Declared defeat and scurried back home. Shopping in this area for anything other than groceries really isn't a great idea, most things are overpriced and understocked. Internet shopping or bus ride and delivery is the way to go. It just takes time, particularly if you have to take something back.

Oh, I thought we were getting off too easy...saw a roach last night. The NYC variety are thinner, longer and less roach-looking that our Texas house breed. But a roach is a roach. Til we meet again dear roach family, you aint heard the last from me...

God is good folks. We are beyond blessed.

Monday, July 18, 2011

A New Day

This is the day the Lord has made.

Some how that takes on new meaning everyday.
Each morning begins with, "This is the day...uh, so why does my back hurt..
The Lord has...yuck, its hot again....
oh but God made I will rejoice...
Just 5 more minutes of shut-eye...okay, okay, I'm up.
But God has been up for hours, yeah 24 hours make this day just for me. And my back hurts?

Okay, He gets it.

Did I tell you how fabulous yesterday was? La Bennett style Chipotle and Saul's conversion...I learned more about Saul's conversion and Barnabas' presention to the Apostles than I ever knew. I am but a babe in Christ.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Gotta Tell Ya

Thanks to most of the Everyday Church, a solid piece of furniture got moved into our apartment. Five guys, four girls, the ladies that sold it to us, those praying that the loaner dolly, traffic and generous drivers plus the elevator would decide that this event should happen. Actually the elevator stopped in protest and we girls decided to wait in the apartment in order to supervise. And most just wanted to see the new folk's apartment.

It was fun to the extreem!

Especially the ice cream after...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What if?

Today Chris spoke about baptism. In particular, what is keeping you from it. His communication was really thought provoking, plain speaking and utilized the Ethiopian eunuch as his example.

A scant off topic, his words made me think, what prevents me from anything? Not so much actually. I allow others to suggest action but always, from day one, I have been the one making the decisions. Um.

Then again, perhaps that is the point for me. I made the final choice to believe and walk with Jesus. He hung around until I made the decision. We've been quite a pair every since.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tomorrow is moving day!

Indeed the day has come. After all the sweat and no tears, we will be dragging baggage down the street and up the elevator to apartment 3G.

No moving truck is coming. And oddly, it appears that we are short of furniture too! After securing a futon and delivery date, all is well! Oh, that reminds me, we scheduled the cable guy but need to cancel because we wont have a TV!

Air conditioners, gotta get thoses today. Yep, two and a fan is a good idea. Okay, gotta run dear readers.

Lets see, Raymon is off running errands regarding delivery and other goods. Yep this was my task...

oh, btw, i will be moving over some earlier blog articles regarding the beginnings of our journey.

Thanks be to God for the Larry Bennett family and their hospitality during these last two weeks.