Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Another One???

Finding a dentist shouldn't be a problem really, then again...when you absolutely have to have one, no way around it, its almost impossible. And we were too far away from Macy's to ask for directions this time (another story).

I'd chipped a tooth. Oh so tiny but my tongue had decided it has to be the size of a major rock slide. So this chip had to be repaired at the earliest possible moment...our last emergence guy, well, he was not going to be the one that was for sure.

After scouring the neighborhood and calling the major dental schools (all the students turned out to be on holiday!), I was depressed in addition to having a chipped tooth.

Not to be denied, late in the night, I through my eye sight to the side and scoured the Internet one more time. TADA--a local dentist, not five blocks from me who services everyone? Eureka!

The chip is repaired, no cavities and he loves my teeth and all the former dentists who have ever done work on my mouth. Obviously he has a great chair side manor.

Fast forward to this week. While eating breakfast, one cheerio will not chew properly. Much to my chagrin I know immediately that the tooth immediately next to that tiny chip has chipped. The backside of the tooth is now in my hand. No rough tongue this time.

An immediate call to my great new dentist--he is not in the office today.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ring Them Bells

No, they weren't dancing Santas, amazing Rocketts, prancing reindeer or even Macy's window displays. Outside Grand Central Terminal on the northeast corner, the hopping bellringers surrounding the Salvation Army Christmas red kettle was the most amazing spontaneous happening I've seen this season...thus far. And I've seen some very amazing things.

I have to be super honest here, I am saving up sights for Christmas Eve. Still, the season around here can not be ignored. Try as I might, it will not be silent, in the night or otherwise.

There I was, minding my own busy business of heading for the next subway train. Just like uncounted other New Yorkers. Imagine our surprise...

People were stunned, shocked, dancing and actually stopping before ducking into the Terminal to catch the next transport. Oh and cameras were flashing of course. Enough cameras to add a line to "The 12 Days of Christmas". (Hey, when was the last time you didn't see a digital camera or phone flashing?)

Okay, what did I enjoy so much? There was one lone uniformed Salvation Army volunteer ringing his bell...and dancing to the bell's ringing. Beside him was a group of around 15, ringing bells accenting hiphop dance steps.

The corner was packed with people, holiday spirit and down right fun.

Ring them bells.