Friday, March 8, 2013

A Faster Train

I admit it, I've never been to a rodeo. And yes, I am from Texas. I have ridden a horse, fed a cow, helped bring a calf into the world (from afar) and applied clown makeup.

I have attended horse shows, riding exhibits and feed lots; assisted 4H, cub scouts, boy scouts, girl scouts, brownie scouts, community and church groups all with their rodeos. But somehow I've missed the rodeo experience.

I have been to cowboy and cowgirl museums. I have viewed and enjoyed lots and lots of western art, sculpture, painting and pottery. And still rodeo is not on my resume.

But today at 3:00 PM on the C Train, NYC--the rodeo found me along side the biggest horsepower in the universe.

Today, I watch the A train express be overtaken by the C train local.

Since I was on the A train expecting to transfer to the C train, this was most fascinating! Never ever - ever had the C train beaten the A train to a station, particularly with a stop between. The C train had to make a stop, the A train did not. The C train still beat the A train!

It was rush hour but in the Subway it is always rush hour.

This observation / experience had to be one of those NYC moments I was warned about. "Keep your eyes open so that you don't miss anything."

Um, one normally slower subway train passing a normally faster this is exciting stuff folks!

In this case, you really did have to be there.